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Lab #5-Transport system

Aim: To investigate the effect of exercise on pulse rate.

Apparatus & Materials: stopwatch, participants


Diagram: (None needed for this experiment)


Construct a table with the values obtained from the experiment.


(Use the questions provided below to assist you in writing your discussion in paragraph format. DONOT write the questions in your lab book.)

  1. What is pulse rate and is it associated with the heart rate?

  2. Explain how exercise affects the pulse rate.

  3. Apart from exercise, which other factor can affect the pulse rate?

  4. Which letter from the results table had the highest reading? Why?

  5. Which letter from the results table had the lowest reading? Why?

  6. How do the values X, Y & Z compare to the resting pulse rate result?

  7. Find the total of for the values X, Y & Z, use it to assess the fitness of the participant by using the table below.


(State the outcome of the experiment based on the aim and give reason to support based on the results.)


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