Lab #10 - Radiation (P&D)
Problem statement: Two students are arguing over which type of surface is a better absorber of radiation. One student says shiny metal can absorb radiation better than a can with black matt paint. The other student says the opposite is true. Plan and design an experiment to determine which student is correct.
Hypothesis: (Write a testable statement based on the problem statement above that tells what the outcome of problem will be and give reason to support your stance.)
Aim: To determine ______________________
Apparatus & Materials: (Write down all the apparatus and materials that you will need for the experiment. You can fill them in after writing your method.)
Diagram: (optional)
Manipulating (Independent) variable: (the quantity that is changed by the researcher or yourself during the experiment).
Responding (Dependent) variable: (the quantity that changes when the manipulating changes or the quantity that you measure in the experiment).
Control variable: (the quantity or quantities that remain constant or the same throughout the experiment).
Method: (In the correct order, write down the steps that should be followed to carry out or complete the experiment).
Expected Results: (State what data you expect to collect. You can list the quantities that will be collected and show how you will represent the data you collect eg. by drawing a blank table with the quantities/table headings or graphs etc.).
Limitation: (State any factor that may prevent you from obtaining or getting accurate results.)
Compiled by Mr. K. Waite